
Can we stop ageing?

When life is going well who doesn’t cling to the desire to preserve this gift for as long as possible.  Earlier this year Scientific American,

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Nuking senescent cells

According to recent research out of the University of Queensland what contributes significantly to brain ageing is the accumulation of senescent cells which as the

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Sleep restoration

Who hasn’t had a night when they’ve spent countless hours desperately trying to fall asleep only to finally succeed as that alarm provides a jarring

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The future of antibiotics

Even today antibiotics are deployed like missiles of war, unnecessarily, indiscriminately and with a lot of collateral damage.  The result, antibiotic resistance, currently the leading

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Fever and Heat Exhaustion

Fevers although uncomfortable and distressing especially for mother’s witnessing their ailing offspring are a good thing.  It’s our bodies heating up to nuke an invading

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