Preventative medicine and anti-ageing technology

Pioneered by Dr Michael Elstein, The Eternal Health Wellness Programme is the first of its kind in Australia, and tackles the downsides of our modern lifestyle, diet and environmental factors.

Clinical Services

Dr Michael Elstein treats people with a range of conditions including fatigue, weight gain, diminishing memory, anxiety, insomnia and more.

eBooks available on Amazon

Doctor Elstein’s books cover a range of topics including anti-ageing medicine,
allergy testing, nutritional and dietary therapy, sexual health weight-loss and more.

News & Articles

Reversing hair loss

We live in a universe which places a high premium on youthful attractiveness, a biological  passport to cohabiting with an equally desirable mate and perpetuating

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The benefits of cabbage

There is a restaurant round the corner from where I live that makes a delectable cabbage salad.  While I’m enjoying this culinary delight I thought

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