Alpha-ketoglutarate and ageing

Like the arms race with its catastrophic downside finding the omnipotent ageing reversal elixir has spawned equally feverish exploration often times undergirded by commercial intent.  Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) found in meat, fish and dairy and also taken as a supplement, located at the centre of the below diagram might be an example of such an enterprise.  In worms and mice it can increase lifespan and in a study on humans taking 1000mg of a product containing 1000mg of calcium alpha-ketoglutarate for an average of seven months reduced biological age by a hefty eight years, an impressive outcome after such a short period.   The problem is this was a study without a placebo arm.

Scientists concede that despite this endorsement we still need more research to uncover the exact amount of alpha-ketoglutarate that will achieve beneficial results.  As much as it might  invigorate and protect us they also caution that it  might undermine our cells capacity to produce energy and  can also stimulate cancer growth.
 For anyone seduced by its promise this might be sobering information.
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