The pros and cons of the covid vaccine

Health authorities and immune specialists have steadfastly touted the benefits of the covid vaccine and booster immunisation programme claiming that it is well tolerated, despite the evidence that the virus can evade the antibodies generated by the vaccine, that those who have been vaccinated can still contract the virus and get sick although there is less chance that they will become seriously ill and that the benefits of vaccination wane dramatically after two months.  Still those who have been vaccinated have some protection against developing long covid, an unquestionable benefit given the potential crippling effects of this disorder.

 Yet at the same time mainstream endocrinologists are voicing concerns that covid vaccination might even contribute to long covid given the pathogenic characteristics of the spike protein incorporated in the mRNA vaccines.  In their reservations they document the possible association between vaccination and the development of POTS syndrome, a condition which leads to light-headedness, fainting and rapid heartbeat, although at a rate which is considerably lower than those who develop POTS after covid infestation.  They also list the multiple studies showing an increased risk of myocarditis after vaccination.   They caution that post vaccination with mRNA vaccines spike protein can be found in muscle tissue, the lymphatic system and the heart.

  They go on to inform us that recipients of two or more injections of the mRNA vaccines develop certain types of immune cells called IgG4 antibodies which can promote the onset of autoimmune diseases and stimulate cancer growth in susceptible individuals.   Further research has demonstrated that in a group of cancer patients who were vaccinated receiving two or three booster doses or the mRNA vaccine they developed breakthrough covid infections more often than unvaccinated cancer sufferers and manifested haematological cancers more frequently.  They point out that in the context of cancer, vaccination might actually weaken the immune system’s capacity to fight cancer cells while also increasing the propensity to develop autoimmune diseases.   In those who do not have cancer depending on the status of their immune systems repeated booster vaccination might similarly diminish their immune response.

 As a result experts advise that we need to research and understand the potential adverse effects and long term consequences of mRNA vaccination on our immune capabilities.   No doubt because of the initial devastating effects of this virus we proceeded without long-term safety data an ongoing enterprise we desperately need to redress if we are going to deal effectively and wisely with this and similar viruses currently and in the future.

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