Resurrecting the fatty liver

Remaining with the retro theme anyone who has had a fatty liver show up on a scan only to be treated with a trivial response by his or her doctor, as it’s such an everyday finding, is going to be shortchanged.   The liver is the body’s largest organ, a manufacturing and detoxification behemoth, it’s portfolio spanning fat digestion, protein and hormone production, immune system function, vitamin and mineral storage as well as detoxification and elimination of any drugs, chemicals, pollutants, invading pathogens and dysfunctional cellular proteins that prevent our cells from executing effectively.  Once we accumulate fat around our liver cells all of these processes will be significantly impaired and our livers and the rest of us will age prematurely.

  One of the most impactful steps we can take to re-establish effective liver cell function is to fast intermittently.

As the above diagram demonstrates intermittent fasting, for example, two days a week when food is not consumed after breakfast till breakfast the next morning, can revitalize liver function by initiating autophagy, a process that eliminates toxins and cellular junk, reducing liver fat and elevated cholesterol, protecting against cancer and generally restoring healthy and effective liver cell function.  There aren’t any drugs or natural remedies that can achieve the same outcomes as can the discipline and commitment to periodically turn our back on eating.
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