Clinic Services and Fees

If you are suffering from Fatigue, Weight Gain, Diminishing Memory, Anxiety, or Insomnia then your body might be ageing prematurely.

Using dietary manipulation, optimising digestive and liver function with natural remedies and treating your hormonal imbalances, cellular health, energy and vitality can be restored. This can allow you to enjoy a life filled with enthusiasm, vigour, passion, joy and humour. Seeing a doctor might never be the same again!

Two Hour Initial Consultation


  • This will include a comprehensive history taking and examination. A detailed nutritional profile assessing your vitamin, mineral, protein and fatty acid status and body composition analysis together with allergy testing will be performed.

    Biochemical testing will include a complete examination of your hormonal profile together with other blood tests which investigative immune function, food reactivity, liver function, kidney function, blood glucose metabolism and risk factors for heart disease, brain dysfunction and difficulties with weight loss will be performed.

    Testing will also examine your zinc status and the balance of bacteria in your gastrointestinal system. A health and wellness report outlining your program will be presented.

Review Consultation


  • 45 mins to 1 hour
  • Medicare Rebate is $99.55

Follow up Consultation


  • 25 – 45 mins
  • Medicare Rebate is $67.65

Follow up Consultation


  • 0 – 25 mins
  • Medicare Rebate is $34.90

Please Note – Follow up consultations are time dependant and the fee will be determined by the length of the consultation. Your evaluation will include extensive pathology tests which are an additional charge to the Initial Consultation Fee and billed to you directly by the pathology lab. Some of the pathology tests are Medicare refundable and others will incur a private fee, which can be between $300 to $750. This fee may be recoverable through your private health fund, however, this is dependent on the type of cover you have and upon specifications of your policy.

At follow up consultations, further blood tests will be performed while some of these are Medicare rebateable others will incur a private fee.

At ‘Eternal Health Medical Centre’ utilising appropriate nutritional, biochemical and hormonal evaluation, the underlying reason for your disorder will be examined.