The Paleolithic Diet and Soy – good or bad for you?

The Palaeolithic diet has garnered a massive following and the popular consensus is that it is entirely good for us without causing undue harm.  Studies show that it does help with weight loss in the short term.  As I’ve indicated in the February 2015 newsletter embracing this diet as a long-term strategy can be detrimental and dangerous.

A recent update on my website detailing the ideal anti-ageing diet highlights a diet that is more tailored to everyday wellbeing while preventing the diseases of ageing.

For those eating soy regularly and this would include mainly vegetarians, as for us the protein options outside of beans aren’t many.  The benefits of this substance far outweigh the downside.  I’m basing this on evidence from Pubmed, a site which examines and collates the scientific research for all matters concerning our health and wellbeing.  It has a search tab where anyone can enter their topic of interest and then all the research relevant to that subject matter will present itself. For example; ‘The harms of soy or its benefits.’  It is science without a commercial bias for the most part or a desire to sell or convince. 

Soy has been vilified as a substance that lowers hormone levels, compromises thyroid function, inhibits the absorption of vital nutrients, is doused with pesticides, in its genetically modified form is even more toxic and even increases cancer risk, but is this all true.

Using Pubmed, the scientific evidence shows that soy does not interfere with thyroid hormone levels, in some studies compromises testosterone status, can inhibit the absorption of protein and essential minerals like iron, zinc and calcium, reduces cancer risk and has the potential to help prevent prostate, breast and ovarian cancer.  

Soy does contain pesticides which are unquestionably harmful.  For those interested in both sides of the debate with regard to the dangers or not of genetically modified foods this article, which suggests that genetic modification might be harmful for our livers and kidneys, although human data is lacking, is worth a read.

Fermented soy foods like tempeh and miso are healthier as they are richer in diadzein and genistein, the beneficial nutrients in soy.  Fermented soy also contains vitamin K2, a substance that is good for our bones. 

I would be interested in your comments and experience with the Paleolithic Diet and soy based foods.  

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